Exploring the Pros and Cons of Choosing CAWI

Data collection is an important part of your business. The growth of a business solely depends upon the accuracy and reliability of the data that you can collect. CAWI , also known as Computer Assisted Web Interviewing has become an effective market research for obtaining the most authentic data from your participants. CAWI is known to entail the use of the most authentic online surveys to gather data through market analysis. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages of opting for CAWI. This blog will delve into these advantages and disadvantages. Come, let us have a look. Pros of opting for CAWI Considering CAWI, the method is significantly known for its positive impacts, and comparatively, the cons are negligible. Once the answers are obtained, they can be immediately sent to the main server. This will help in tracking the data, and then on, getting the results continuously. One of the primary benefits of CAWI is that it is designed in such ...